Thursday, May 16, 2013

Posted by john 1:00 AM

Goku doesnt think he and Gohan will need to train anymore in the Room of Spirit and Time, which surprises everyone. He explains that the harshness of the room is only so good for training. And that after awhile, youre just abusing yourself. Vegeta takes this as a sign of weakness. (But then again wtf does Vegeta know.)

On his way back to the lower realm, Goku stops by Karin-sama and asks his old master to compare his strength to that of Perfect Cell.

He powers up to about half of his full power before he runs the risk of destroying Karin Tower. Vegeta explains to Trunks that Goku chose to make his first form of Super Saiyan all the more powerful, so that he neednt use unnecessary power ups like they did. Trunks poops himself with how utterly useless he is. But even with all this power, Karin doesnt think Goku has enough strength to take on Cell and win. Goku figured as much.

So Goku and Gohan use the Instantaneous Movement to travel to Kame House, in order to pick up Chichi. Gohan wonders and asks his father how he can be so calm about everything. Goku just smiles, and tells him not to worry.

But Chichi is less than thrilled.
"My Gohan-chan has gone and become a delinquent!"

Meanwhile, Cell trains by punching rocks in space.
(Okay, thats pretty fucking cool.)

Goku makes due on his long promised fishing trip to Gohan.

Kuririn arrives and laments again that he allowed 18 to live and give Cell the chance to become Perfect. But Goku tells him not to sweat it, as they wouldnt have had such an incredible guy to fight otherwise. Kuririn cant believe the gap that has come between their strengths, hardly daring to remember the days when they could actually fight. But for Gokus part, he still remembers when they were kids, training under Muten Roshi.

Then Goku accidentally knocks Kuririn into the water.
Kuririn pretends to be drowning, so he can pull Goku in, too.

Kuririn supposes Goku hasnt changed all that much, after all.

Then, Kuririn throws a rock at Gokus head.
