Thursday, May 9, 2013

Posted by john 7:45 PM

Kuririn holds the controller that Bulma built to shut down the Artificial Humans. But as he looks at #18, he cant help but feel sorry for her. She was, after all, just a normal human girl before Dr. Gero changed her into a cyborg.

Overcome with conflict as to how to handle the situation - to destroy her or not destroy her - Kuririn lets the controller fall from his hands and hit the grassy ground.

Kuririn destroys the remote, and then tells 18 to run. Run and do not let Cell absorb her, no matter what!! 18 is shocked by this sudden act of mercy.

Let me stop this blog entry for a little bit to talk about this last scene.

The fandom often criticizes Kuririn for not taking the initiative and killing 18 before Cell has the chance to absorb her. Obviously, this would have made the rest of this Saga much easier for our heroes. But think about this: Kuririn had to get within 10 meters of 18 before he could shut her down. He had to look her in the eyes and end her life. Kuririn is not a murderer. I dont know what kind of serial killers raised certain pockets of the DBZ fandom, but taking a life isnt something you can easily brush aside because it might make things easier. Objectively, Kuririn did the moral thing. He spared her life and encouraged her to flee. And 18 did the moral thing as well, by refusing to flee without her friend #16.

To sum up: Anyone who thinks Kuririn didnt kill 18 because she gave him a smooch needs to stop and analyze exactly what it means to kill. Theyll either find that Im right or that theyre a psychopath.

Speaking of psychopaths, Cell cries and cries about how if only he was his Perfect form, he could defeat Vegeta without any trouble. Vegeta is clearly interested in what he has to say, and picking up on the Saiyan instinct to fight stronger and stronger guys, Cell shifts from crying to trying to talk Vegeta into allowing him his Perfect form. In the end, Vegeta allows it, knowing he wouldnt be proud of himself if he killed Cell in his current pathetic state.

"Just bein a dick."

Trunks, on the other hand, has no qualms about messing up ol duckface.
And as Vegeta said, Trunks is more than strong enough to take on Cell.

But as Cell turns his head to shout at Vegeta for help...
He spots #18 talking to Kuririn...!!!
(This is my favorite frame of animation in DBZ.)
Oh, fuck.

Meanwhile, Goku and Gohan play in the bath.
