Friday, May 17, 2013

Posted by john in , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1:15 AM

To prevent him from absorbing #17 and #18, #16 has come face to face with the monster Cell. Though they appear to be equals in strength, Cells Namekian DNA gives him a unique advantage when it comes to regrowing limbs.

"Then in order to keep you from reaching your Perfect form, theres nothing I can do but squash the very life out of you?" 
"Such a thing is impossible, however." 
"I wont know until I try." 
"But I do." 

The shockwaves of 16s Hells Flash is felt all around the world. (Even as far as Heaven, where Goku and Gohan wait their turn in the Room of Spirit and Time.) But as the dust clears, 16 panics as he sees 18 still hasnt made a run for it. She seems to think hes overreacting when he screams for her to leave. He shouts too for 17 to run, but 17 laughs, saying now that Cells taken damage, hell strike the killing blow.

It doesnt work out for him.

Cell eats 17 whole, merging with the Artificial Human. 16 rushes for 18, and shouts for Tenshinhan (who has been watching the whole fight wide eyed) to run. Then Cells body begins to transform... into...


16 grabs 18 in an attempt to flee... 
... but Cell is much too fast with his improved speed! 
So 16 chooses to use force! 
But his punch doesnt make this new Cell even blink. 
And thus ends the relevance of another good character.

With 16 dispatched, (ugh) Cell approaches 18 to complete his Perfect form. But she threatens to blow herself up should he come any closer. So he mimics 17s voice to try and lure her into giving herself willingly. But he makes the mistake of referring to Dr. Gero as "Dr. Gero-sama", setting 18 onto his ruse.


Suddenly, Tenshinhan is on the offensive, with an onslaught of Shin-Kikoho! Though it does little more than slow down Cell, it manages to keep him, though furious, away from 18! Ten apologizes to Chaozu, knowing he may not live. He bellows for 18 to make a run for it!

But 18 wont leave without 16. 

Goku watches the fight unfold from Heaven, pleading with Ten to stand down.
But Ten continues to barrage Cell with his very lifes essence!
